Florence Senior and activity Center

A gathering place for everyone.


The Florence Senior and Activity Center provides lunch

meals for everyone, each weekday.

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Singing Pines Café Meals Every Tuesdays and Thursdays

Singing Pines Café offers lunch meals for eight dollars ($8.00)



Lunch meals are provided by the Florence Senior and Activity Center in the Singing Pines Café. These are low cost, nutritional meals available to everyone, served between 11:00 and 12:00. Please call for a reservation at least one day ahead. The reservation cut-off times for the following day meal are 4:00 PM Monday and Wednesday. Also, if you are unable to attend, please call and advise us.



January Singing Pines Café Menu

February Singing Pines Café Menu

Lunch meals provided by the Lane County Meals on Wheels Café 60 program are served Monday, Wednesday and Friday From 11:15 To 1:00 at the Senior and Activity Center.

The Café 60 program is designed to provide a welcoming and pleasant atmosphere where people age 60 or older, and their spouses, can gather for a meal. Participants can enjoy meeting new people, form friendships, and gain support by coming together for meals on a regular basis.

Café 60 is closed the third Friday of the month.

The Florence Café 60 phone number is (541) 997-5673

The Lane County Meals on Wheels Program also delivers directly to qualified individuals.

For more information please visit the Lane County Meals On Wheels Website.


To request Meals on Wheels Service please call 541-682-3353, toll free 1-800-441-4038, or TTY 541-682-4567